Cert Manager

All CTA Infrastructure & Applications certificates are issued with the cert-manager application in the production kubernetes cluster.

DNS Registration

  1. CU Boulder OIT has CNAMEs that are directed to our AWS Application Load Balancer

    • cubl-load-balancer (arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:735677975035:loadbalancer/app/cubl-load-balancer/3039b8466406df2c)

    • If deleted will have to register all domains with CU Boulder OIT and point all CNAMEs to new load balancer

Network Configuration

Certificates are held within a secret on production cluster. The following network configuration is important to keep Target groups up to date with current Worker nodes in the cluster. If target group does not have a worker nodes the certificate will fail.

ALB Listeners

  1. Http: 80

    • RULEs Path is /.well-known/acme-challenge/* ====> k8s-nodes Otherwise redirect Https(443)

  2. Https: 443

    • Rules are setup for each domain. Test domains are usually locked to campus and VPN IPs.

Target Groups

  1. http 80 => k8s-nodes

  2. https 443 => k8s-nodes-https

Lets Encrypt Certificate and Issuer

Example Certificate Request Failure

Recently, DNS (folio.colorado.edu) was transferred to the FOLIO team. As a result, my certificate request failed because the folio.colorado.edu domain name was routed to a different AWS Load Balancer.

Corrective Actions

  1. If you think your certificate is correct, check certificate request.

    kubectl get certificaterequest -n cert-manager
    NAME                              READY    AGE
    cubl-lib-colorado-edu-99lwk       True     5d16h
    cubl-lib-colorado-edu-9d98s       False    5d16h
    kubectl describe certificaterequest cubl-lib-colorado-edu-9d98s -n cert-manager
  2. Update Certificate and Delete Failed Request Update Certificate

    kubectl delete certificaterequest cubl-lib-colorado-edu-9d98s -n cert-manager
    kubectl apply -f certs/cubl-lib-colorado-edu-main.yaml -n crontab