CU Library Read the Docs

ReadtheDocs is CU Boulder Libraries Core Tech & Apps approved method for documentation.

  1. Github Markdown Guides

  2. Read the Docs Documentation


  1. Python 3.3 or greater


  1. Clone Repository

    git clone
    git clone
  2. Create Virtual Environment

    NOTE: Win variations assume cmd.exe shell

    cd documentation
    python3 -m venv venv (Win: python -m venv <dir>)
    . venv/bin/activate (Win: venv\Scripts\activate.bat)
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create HTML

    cd docs
    make html
  4. New Terminal - Web server

    . venv/bin/activate
    cd docs/_build/html
    python -m http.server
    Serving HTTP on :: port 8000 (http://[::]:8000/) ...
  5. Open Browser http://localhost:8000

Add new documentation

  1. git checkout -b new_docs

  2. Edit/Add documentation (Markdown)

  3. make html

  4. add new pages to toctree (index.rst)

Pull Request to main branch

CU Boulder Libraries’ regular activity is to create a PR from the release branch with a code review. The documentation repository is slightly different. Perform a PR from the feature branch to the main branch. Add a code review before merge to main.

View Build Process on ReadtheDocs

  1. Merge to main required before ReadtheDocs build process will start.

  2. ReadtheDocs View builds

  3. After successful build: